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Lurawave Jp2 Irfanview Serial Podcast

  1. Lurawave Jp2 Irfanview Serial Podcast Online

Duration: 49:13 Recorded on September 20, 2016Subscribe: Since joining CoSchedule Nathan immersed himself in growing the startup as a solo marketer with blog posts and social media. Since then, he has helped grow a team that tackles big content marketing challenges. Together, they have improved a strategy that has positioned CoSchedule as a leader in their niche with more than 15,000 users, 100,000 email subscribers, and nearly 1 million monthly page views.Nathan has published two of Convince and Convert’s top 10 blog posts of 2015, then the #1 content marketing blog in the world according to Content Marketing Institute. He has written for Fast Company, Social Media Examiner, and lots of other awesome marketing blogs. In addition, he is also working toward continuing to improve the standards of performance for their own content at CoSchedule with the goal to become the #1 most actionable content marketing blog on the Internet.Content marketing is Nathan’s life. WordPress/Photography Related News:. Designing has begun for the next default WordPress theme,.

In January, Chrome browsers will begin if a site is not SSL with a warning that says NOT SECURE next to the URL.Referenced Links:.Where to find Nathan:. Transcription was done by Rev.comScott: Welcome to episode 24. My name is Scott Wyden Kivowitz and I'm joined by my co host, Rachel Conley from Photoscribe. Hey, Rachel.Rachel: Hey, Scott. How are you?Scott: Good.

I got your last name in there because it came up last episode so I was like, 'I'm going to get your last name in there too.' Rachel: It was a little name shaming, but now I'm good.Scott: I'm excited for today's episode and this month is turning into a crazy month, next month's going to be crazy. We're trying to get a couple of episodes in.

We got a new episode that's in the queue right now to be published I believe, and then we have today's episode and then the next episode after this is going to be the first snap episode, which I'm excited about, and that's already recorded and ready to go. That's exciting. Then we also have episode 30 coming up sooner than later, which is the next Q&A episode.Rachel: To clarify our episodes on the 5's are going to be the snap ones, which are short little relevant topics that Scott's going to go over and help dive a little bit deeper into and then our podcasts on the 10's are Q&A, which we need your help as listeners to tell us what you want to learn.Scott: Exactly. If you want to ask a question it's imagely.com/podcast/queue and you can get in your question for episode 30, but today we've got an awesome quest that i'm really excited for, Nathan Ellering. Since joining CoSchedule Nathan has immersed himself in growing the start up as a solo marketer with blog post and social media. Since then he has helped grow a team that tackles big content marketing challenges.

Together they have improved a strategy that has positioned CoSchedule as the leader in their niche with more than 15,000 users, 100,000 e-mail subscribers, and nearly 1 million monthly page views, and Nathan has published 2 of Convincing Converts top 10 blog posts of 2015 and then for that number 1 content marketing vlog in the world according to Content Marketing Institute, and he has written for Fast Company, Social Media Examiner and a lot of other awesome marketing blocks. In addition he is working towards continuing to improve standards of performance for their own content at CoSchedule with the goal to become the number 1 most actionable Content Marketing blog on the internet. As you can tell content marketing is Nathan's life.I just told Nathan this before we started recording that I think my brother and I were one of the first two customers of CoSchedule and as you know if you've been listening to the podcast since the beginning CoSchedule's come up many times.Rachel: A lot, yes.Scott: We are very excited to have Nathan here.

Nathan is not a photographer but his mom was.Nathan: That's true.Scott: Which we just found out as well. Nathan, welcome. We are so excited to talk to you today on this episode.Nathan: Thanks, and thanks for the introduction, that was fun.Scott: Totally.

Before we dive into what's going on with you and with CoSchedule we're going to touch on two things of the WordPress photography related news as usual. The first is that WordPress community is working on the next default WordPress theme, this is just a bit of fun news.

It's going to be called 2017, just like the previous are based on the previous years and it's looking nice. I actually think it's going to look a lot nicer than the default 2016 theme.

I'm excited to see how that progresses.Rachel: It's funny, Mel Choice, who is the lead designer is one of the co organizers of the word camp Boston and I love her. I'm really excited that she's the lead designer on this.Scott: I think she's done some other default themes in the past, but I don't think she did 2016, I think she did maybe 2015 or something like that.Rachel: She's on the automatic design team and she's just a very involved, very wonderful person.

I met her through the word camps and again, I can't say enough good things. It's really great to see her be the lead designer on this one.Scott: The other bit of news, this is actually related to two things regarding SSL or HTPS, whatever you want to call it. In January, Chrome browser, that's January 2017, Chrome browsers will begin warning site visitors if a site is not SSL, and it's not just a little gentle warning, it's going to be a nice big letter warning that says not secure right next to the url.

That little lock that's there right now, that tiny little lock, which you can see when you're on an SSL, on non SSL sites that lock will turn into something that just says in big, nice letters not secure. Make sure if you are interested in this to have inaudible 00:05:18 everywhere, make your site just SSL.

It has a couple benefits, one that won't show in Google Chrome. Two, SSL now is a ranking factor for SCO, for search engine optimization, and three, PayPal is actually going to. I think June 2017, we just learned about this at Imagely, PayPal is going to start requiring SSL even for PayPal standard payments. Start hopping on it.Rachel: Even if you don't necessary sell your photo's through your website SSL is important to have. It's definitely like Scott said becoming a factor in the SCO, but it can be hard to set up and again, this is where having a good relationship with your website host can be helpful. If you don't already have it and you want to start the process my first step would be to contact your website host and say, 'How did I do this?'

Scott: A lot of hosts offer SSL. A lot of them are starting to offer it free and some of them make it extremely easy, some of them make them a little bit more difficult, but either way you should be considering it for your website. Nathan, what's going on in your world in CoSchedule's world?Nathan: We've got some exciting new projects. We've always got the blog going on but some new things that we're working on right now, as far as content marketing side goes, we're launching a podcast ourselves so it's fun to be here with you guys today, and we're also launching a new video series that we're calling Over Heard at CoSchedule and it's just going to be about the things that we talk about around the office and will be a nice way for us to get some social video out there. It's fun to talk to you guys as photographers because we know that visual content performs really well on social media so we're trying to tap into that idea of motion standing out in busy news feeds.Scott: Are you going to be doing live streaming and stuff like that?Nathan: No, not so much.

That's something that we've talked a little bit about but what we're doing is slightly more produced. It's like we think about something that we've, a problem that we've solved around the office, whether it's on the marketing team or our customer success team or even our product team, and then we just take that story and record it in video format. It's a little bit more produced. There's a little bit of drawing action in it but it's still very conversational kind of like what we're doing right now.Rachel: inaudible 00:07:56 curated content.

I want to back it up a little bit and we know what CoSchedule is, we love it, we talk about it, but maybe for our listeners you can explain what it is and the benefits, especially to photographers who are running their own businesses.Nathan: Definitely. CoSchedule is a project management tool, is what I like to say and everyone has projects that they need to manage and what CoSchedule does really well is it works well for content. If you have a blog that you're using to market your photography business, CoSchedule is a really great way to get organized, and everyone knows if you get organized you start to save time. What you can do is CoSchedule is that it takes the form of an editorial calender so that you can plan your blog posts weeks, months in advance.


It solves that blinking cursor problem. If you go to your blog and you're like, 'I need to write something today for my photography business,' but it's really hard to do because you don't have ideas out there or you're looking at something that's blank slate, CoSchedule can help solve that sort of problem.Rachel: I love that it's the only social sharing tool that lives in WordPress that works with a calender. I know that, that really, for the people that I speak with, is the biggest factor because you can open up a blog post directly from the calendar and know that it's already going to be scheduled on the day that you want it to be scheduled.Nathan: Definitely. The WordPress integration that we have was a backbone for a long time. The way that CoSchedule started was a WordPress only tool.

We had the WordPress plug in and it was built as an editorial calender to help you manage those blogs. That integration itself for WordPress is probably one of our strongest.Scott: The fact that you can just literally take a post, even if you have the social schedule attached to that post for when a post is published, it then goes out to here and here and here on a certain date and time and that kind of stuff, but if you just drag the post to a different day all the social stuff goes with it to the corresponding dates and times. It's a beautiful interface, beautifully designed, well thought out and it is a little bit of a learning curve for people who come other platforms.

As I've been finding out from people who are moving from Edgar, they're seeing it as a big learning curve, but it's going to grow on you quick because it's a calender.Nathan: Yes, and I think the difference between us and a tool like Edgar is that we are very content plus social. A lot of the other tools out there they focus on the social message first, whereas we really try to focus on. You have a blog post and you probably want to share that blog post with your followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, whatever, what we try to do is to make it really easy to schedule a social media campaign to promote a piece of content, and that's not something that the other tools do that well. That takes the form of that editorial calender and yes, definitely the drag and drop nature of it is very unique to us.Scott: Another thing that CoSchedule does regarding content first is the headline analyzer.

You have this tool on CoSchedule's website for people to try, but with CoSchedule when you create a new post or a new page you can actually. It actually scores your headline and tells you how to improve it based on what it's seeing from it, for catchiness, for that kind of thing.Nathan: That goes into a lot of the way that we build tool. That one's fun. We took a look because CoSchedule started as this WordPress blog editorial calender, we're much more than that now.

You don't need WordPress to use us, but at the time we were like what can we do to help people get more social media shares for their content. We analyze about a million headlines from our database, found the blog posts that were getting the most social shares, took those words and built a tool to help people write headlines that would result in the social shares among our top performing content that we'd never seen. That's the headline analyzer.Rachel: Scott and I obviously love this tool.

We can wax poetic about it for hours, but I think that the testament to the product is that you guys do, do testing like that. You've seen what works and you expand upon it. Not only are you creating a product but you're also out there doing content management just like everybody else. I often refer people to your blog when they need education on content marketing.

I think not only are you a tool but you're a resource as well. That's your baby, right?

Lurawave Jp2 Irfanview Serial Podcast Online

You handle all that content marketing?Nathan: Yes. Thank you for directing people there. I'm really glad that, that's been a resource. I am the content marketing lead at CoSchedule and what we do is provide educational content to help people find an interest in a tool like CoSchedule.